The Reading Dispensary Trust
formed in 1802 when a need was identified to provide medical services to those who were sick and in need.
Reading Dispensary Trust is a medical charity that makes grants for equipment and services not available through statutory sources to those suffering from physical, mental illness or disability.
The Trust prides itself on providing support to which you can be assured of receiving serious consideration to any applications made within the guidelines set down by the Trust.
Other Applications
Applications from other worthy causes for general (non-individual) uses are considered at the Trust’s meeting in October.
If you are a registered charity within 7 miles of Reading town centre, then please apply in writing before October.

Some recent donations made to local organisations

Read for Good
Read for Good A charity, previously sponsored the Trust, has been awarded £1925 to help continue to fund the Readathon project, (part of the Read

Age UK Reading
£500 Donation made to the AgeUK Reading charity in November 2017 The Age UK Reading Befriending service aims to improve the quality of life for

£500 Donation made to Myaware charity in November 2017 Myaware Reading group meet every few months, and is led by Steve, our area Regional Organiser.

Reading Mencap
Reading Dispensary Trust have very generously been providing help for our clients for many years. Our clients have needed help, either due to their caring

Reading Dispensary Trust have supported Launchpad’s clients with medical needs for many years, helping us to supply our clients with various items from white goods

Me2 Club
A Day Away in Bristol With help from Reading Dispensary Trust, during the February half term, Me2 took 8 Me2 Club teenagers on a ‘Day

Reading Youth
Reading Youth Since receiving Reading Dispensary Trust’s grant in October 2018, Reading Youth has run every Saturday in term time and throughout the school holidays

Defibrillator Installed in London Street Reading Partnering with World Education Partnership – RISC. A defibrillator was installed at the London Street offices. The cost of
The trust grants donations to individuals via their referrer, (LaunchPad, Reading Borough Council and other referring bodies). The trust does not accept applications directly from Individuals.