Reading Dispensary Trust have very generously been providing help for our clients for many years. Our clients have needed help, either due to their caring responsibilities, or because of a disability they have and have been unable to work. Whilst some families are on a single wage, or are getting benefits due to the levels of disability or care they provide.
We have been granted many items over the years, which have included, white goods, such as fridges and washing machines as well as new carpets and beds. They’ve even provided the funds towards the costs of a family holiday. These items and costs can relieve the families of the worry of finding the money for such large items.
Thank you Reading Dispensary Trust for all the help and support you provide to our clients. I know you don’t get to see the relief on the faces of our clients when I let them know that a grant has been awarded. I have been very humbled by some responses, and know that our clients are very appreciative for the items they’ve received.