Clerk to the Trustees
Job Description
Quarterly meeting of Trustees
- Prepare and distribute Agenda and Minutes of previous meeting
- Be present at meeting
- Applications from organisations
- Supplementary information in support of report of sub-committee
- Financial Information – Sage reports for Treasurer’s Report
- Clerk’s Report
- Prepare cheques for payment
- Thank you’s
- Any other business
- Expenses
Monthly Grants Sub-committee
- Enter decisions on database
- Prepare summary of cases for consideration and circulate in advance (Sub-grants List Report) Copy application form/letter to distribute at meeting
- Aid Chair’s presentation of requests for grants at meeting and prepare any additional information including Sub-grants Report
- Prepare letters in readiness for sending out
- Ensure all cheques are prepared and signed, make faster payments
- Destroy any medical information received for meeting
Daily Routine
- Deal with telephone, mail and e.mail enquiries
- Update database with new applications
- Update Sage on a regular basis, including monthly reconciliation of account
- Communicate regularly with Chair and Treasurer regarding day to day events
- Clean and maintain office, including purchasing of stationery, cleaning products etc
- Maintain statistics of grants
- Liaise with Stockbrokers when necessary
- PAYE monthly
- Arrange any Trustee training (new Trustees – attend RVA Trustee Induction), give Trustee Pack
- Prepare Annual Report with Chair/Treasurer, send out Annual Report
- Liaise with Accountants, collection of accounts/back up of Sage
- Ensure all relevant documents are completed/downloaded to Charity Commission
- Produce six monthly statement of accounts for meeting in July
- Produce figures for October meeting and administer Organisation grants, with Treasurer
- Prepare rota for Grants Sub-committee
- Destroy any grant applications according to Data Protection Policy
- Renew Insurance
- Fire Extinguisher service
- End of PAYE year
- Renew insurance
Person Specification
Computer literate – Word/Excel/Sage
Able to work independently and happy to be soleworker in office
Good communication skills
Able to make and accept suggestions and initiate changes, in consultation with Chair
Be prepared to carry out occasional duties outside normal working hours (time in lieu available)
Willing to make contact with the local voluntary sector, statutory sector and other charitable organisations
Understand importance of confidentiality and data protection
Keep abreast of current legislation that may affect the work of RDT
Experience of working with a management committee or Board of Trustees, including distribution of papers/minute taking etc.
Knowledge of the voluntary sector in Reading
Knowledge of benefit system
Touch typist